Saturday, June 25, 2016

5 Minute Avocado Oil Mayonnaise


Back before I'd ever tried it, hearing people talk about making mayonnaise from scratch conjured up images of Julia Child and my Navy-wife grandmother who was the hostess with the mostess. I imagined lots of fussy ingredients, cracking a million eggs, and hours of whisking (not to mention a pile of dirty dishes).

But then I read the most beautiful thing a few years ago - you can make it in a food processor, or with an immersion blender. So I tried it. And it was AMAZING. But then I had 2 kids, and I had to choose between making condiments from scratch, or washing my hair for the first time in days. The shower won. 

Fast forward a few years, and now that we have to eliminate as much sodium as possible from my husband's diet, we've come full circle. In an attempt to control his sodium as much as possible, and be 100% certain of what's going in his body, I'm making mayo again. And it's not so bad - my incredibly picky toddler, surprise of all surprises,  loves it and dips her fries in it. Mom win!

5 Minute Avocado Oil Mayo 
2/3 cup avocado oil
1 egg
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp honey
Pepper, to taste

Place all ingredients in your food processor except for the avocado oil. Pulse a few times to mix, then leave running and gradually drizzle in the avocado oil. It might take a minute or two, but it will eventually emulsify and thicken. You can use immediately, or make ahead and refrigerate so it has a firmer texture. 

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